The call of conscience: joining hands for Uganda’s orphans

In a world where the noise of daily life can drown out our inner voice, there are moments when clarity cuts through, urging us to act.

That was when I decided to collaborate with 26-year-old Dickson, a remarkable young man dedicated to helping 35 orphaned children in Uganda.

His mission resonated deeply, compelling me to join his inspiring journey.

Listening to our inner voice

Sometimes, our inner voice is so powerful that ignoring it is not an option. For me, this was one of those times.

Dickson’s unwavering commitment to providing these children a haven struck a chord. It reminded me that sometimes, we must step up and take action because it is simply the right thing.

Projects in motion

Dickson and I have already embarked on several initiatives to enhance the lives of these children and support the local community:

  • Website development: We have successfully launched a website to raise awareness about the orphanage and our efforts. This platform has made it easier to attract donations and volunteers, significantly boosting our outreach.
  • Sewing machine purchase: We recently purchased two sewing machines and the necessary supplies. These machines are now in the hands of skilled single mothers who make clothes for Dasah’s children and earn a modest income. They also sew for the people in the village, fostering a sense of self-reliance and community support.
  • Library creation: We are developing a library for the orphanage, giving the children access to books and the opportunity to improve their reading skills. This project is ongoing and aims to cultivate a love for learning.
  • Food and care: A priority is ensuring the children receive adequate nutrition and care. We work tirelessly to provide the essentials they need to thrive and grow.
  • Involving single mothers: Inspired by the SOS Children’s Villages, we are exploring ways to involve more single mothers in our projects. This idea is still in development and testing, but we are excited about its potential.

Making a difference – one step at a time

Being part of Dickson’s mission has been a profoundly fulfilling experience.
It has shown me how small, consistent efforts can significantly impact the lives of those in need

Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces and the hope in the eyes of the single mothers reinforces the importance of our work.

Join us

We welcome you to join us if you feel the call to make a difference.

Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word, can help us continue to provide for these children and their communities.

For more information or to get involved, please get in touch with me or Dickson Kibirango.

Together, we can listen to our inner voices and make a tangible difference.

Mette Reebirk

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